1: The beloved cast of "That 70s Show" will make special appearances on Netflix's "That 90s Show" spinoff.

2: Fans can look forward to seeing their favorite characters return for guest appearances in the new series.

3: The iconic sitcom will reunite stars from the original cast in a nostalgic twist for viewers.

4: Get ready to relive the magic of the 70s with a modern twist as the cast makes a comeback.

5: The crossover event will bring together two generations of fans for a memorable TV experience.

6: Don't miss out on the chance to see your favorite characters from "That 70s Show" return to the small screen.

7: The special guest appearances will add an extra layer of excitement to the upcoming series.

8: Netflix's "That 90s Show" spinoff promises to delight fans with surprise visits from the original cast.

9: Stay tuned for more updates on the return of the "That 70s Show" cast in the highly anticipated spinoff.