1: Introducing Mediterranean Diet Discover the benefits of Mediterranean cuisine for digestion.

2: Greek Salad Fresh veggies and feta cheese make this dish a digestive powerhouse.

3: Hummus and Pita Probiotic-rich hummus and fiber-packed pita aid in digestion.

4: Grilled Fish Omega-3s in grilled fish promote a healthy gut and better digestion.

5: Tzatziki Dip The probiotics in tzatziki aid in digestion and gut health.

6: Lentil Soup High-fiber lentils support healthy digestion and gut bacteria.

7: Ratatouille Colorful veggies in ratatouille aid in digestion and gut health.

8: Lemon Chicken Citrusy lemon chicken aids in digestion and boosts gut health.

9: Mediterranean Fruits Fiber-rich fruits like figs and dates aid in digestion and gut health.